Author: Matthew Ferry

Matthew Ferry, is a Spiritual Teacher, Songwriter and Best-Selling Author. For the last 26 years, Matthew Ferry has coached thousands of top performers to achieve Enlightened Prosperity™. His books, videos, audios, songs, meditations and seminars all utilize his street tested methodology called The Rapid Enlightenment Process™. Among his many projects, Ferry manages a blog and spearheads The Ignite Mastermind. Matthew Ferry is also the author of Quiet Mind Epic Life, an Amazon Self Help and Spirituality best-seller in the US, Canada, Australia and Japan. Matthew and his family live in Southern California.

As a life coach, I support people with the process of transmuting their anger and moving back towards being happy, positive, fulfilled, and satisfied. This is not always easy to do, but many successfully happy people have created strategies that assist them in moving out of the anger and back to happiness again. Here are three of those strategies. 1. Change the context – One of the most successful methods for moving out of anger and back to happiness again is to change the context of the situation. Change the meaning that you have given this situation that makes you…

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If you are already successful, then you know that success does not create happiness. In fact, success often creates the exact opposite. Success is often defined as a series of well-managed breakdowns. The more you succeed, the more there is to manage, the more goes wrong and the less time you have for yourself. Look at the landscape of superstars and notice how many self-destruct under the pressure of their success. Often, the more successful you get, the worse your life gets. But it doesn’t have to be that way. As a life coach to the biggest players in the…

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Having hidden motives. Tactics like pretending to be something you are not or pretending to like something you don’t, may cause you to win in the short term, but always fails to satisfy your need for well being long term. In order to maintain your ruse, you must keep your true self hidden. When you don’t have anything to hide, you have greater freedom. Freedom always leads to happiness. Not trusting people. The world is a mirror. But what does that mean? Very simply put, it means that you don’t see people for who they are, you see them for…

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To discover your purpose you need to use a series of questions that help you to get to the core experience you are committed to having. So let’s start with a base line question. 1. What is something you love doing now in your life? For example: you may love playing with your kids, creating music, gardening, surfing, snow boarding or going shopping. Maybe you love supporting your local charity or driving your car really fast. It really makes no difference where you start in this questioning process because you will always end up at the experience you love having…

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Here is the second of two habits you can consciously chose, that will alter the course of your life, remove that invisible ceiling and propel you towards the happiness and success you desire. Habit #2 Intentions. One of the biggest sources of unhappiness is the feeling of powerlessness. The feeling of having to deal with the stuff life throws at you makes you feel like you will never live life on your own terms. Living via intention counters this common block to happiness. Your life follows the thoughts you have. If you focus your thoughts on what you want, then what you want tends to occur.…

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In part one, I discussed that happiness is a skill. Below are two of three of my best practices for being authentically happy. The third one will follow in Part III of this article. 1. Being happy does not occur when the circumstances are favorable. Each of us has examples of people who have very favorable circumstances and they are still not happy. Authentic, long term happiness is a practiced way of relating to the world. Happiness doesn’t mean that you pretend that everything is perfect. On the contrary, a happy person has decided to not react negatively to the imperfections of life and intentionally…

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There is a debate that has been raging between people dedicated to the pursuit of happiness and those who call themselves realists. The realists say that happy people are shallow and ignorant. In fact there seems to be a long held cultural belief that happy people are happy because they ignore the facts of life. In other words they are stupid. A decade worth of research points to the opposite and in fact, demonstrates that If you value health, longevity and productivity, then the happy person just may be the smarter of the two. A Dutch study concluded that happy…

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As a life coach my job is to support people in finding happiness, which leads to success. Most people believe that, “Someday in the future, when I have success, then I’ll be happy.” It doesn’t work that way. In fact, I just started working with another extremely successful client who builds and sells companies. This person has all the recognition and success and still isn’t satisfied with life. With further examination, it is clear that she does not have the 3 habits of happiness and success integrated into her life. Habits of thought determine your reality. Your life is ultimately…

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Successful people realize that success does not bring happiness. Happiness is the next journey for most successful people. Early on, most top performers equate that success will fill the void within them and show the world that they are valuable. Sorry to say, it doesn’t happen. Happiness takes a different set of skills, disciplines, systems and procedures. Here are the first three steps to getting on the path of true happiness: Step One: You must see the mind, which I call The Drunk Monkey, for what it really is. The Drunk Monkey, all that talking in your head, is just…

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If you are already successful, then you know that success does not create happiness. In fact, success often creates the exact opposite. Success is often defined as a series of well-managed breakdowns. The more you succeed, the more there is to manage, the more goes wrong and the less time you have for yourself. Look at the landscape of superstars and notice how many self-destruct under the pressure of their success. Often, the more successful you get, the worse your life gets. But it doesn’t have to be that way. As a life coach to the biggest players in the…

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