Someone on Facebook friend asked, “I wanted to ask you how to break the habit of attention seeking or can say self-importance. It feels like everything revolves around me!”
My answer:
Self-importance is just The Drunk Monkey feeling insecure. The Drunk Monkey (the talking in your head) wants to look good, be right, be powerful, rich etc for one very simple reason. It mistakenly believes that being any of those things will ensure the perpetuation of your genes. Get a mate, have status and be powerful. All this is a feeble attempt to win salvation and live for ever through your spawn. Of
Get a mate, have status and be powerful.
All this is a feeble attempt to win salvation and live forever through your legacy. Of course, your are already eternal, infinite and valuable. Each person is a whirling vibrating swirl of energy that is organized into this body. Energy never dies. Your salvation is guaranteed. Tell The Drunk Monkey to stop burdening you with the demands of proving to the world that you are good enough to have sex with and propagate the species… or to be remembered for your amazing accomplishments. Just start living and enjoying each day exactly as it is.
Instead, just start living and enjoying each day exactly as it is.