A client of mine is between a rock and a hard place. For the last year and a half, she has not been admitting it.
Like millions of people in America today, this person thought that buying a kind of real estate, over-leveraging, and betting on speculation was the smart thing to do. It has since blown up in her face and now she finds herself making a lot of money, but she owe more than she makes every month.
The key is to let it all go, and this has been a tough process. Admitting that she has not accomplished what she set out to accomplish or that admitting that she made a mistake is the absolute critical first step.
She’s embarrassed.
She doesn’t want to look bad.
She’s afraid of what people will think.
These negative future prophecies that her mind is hitting her with keep her stuck and not moving forward. She has not been taking the action she knew she needed to take 18 months ago, so here we are today in a much worse position.
This is the same kind of behavior that I suppose gambling addicts have. They just keep thinking, the next time I’m going to win, the next one I’m going to win, the one next one I’m going to win, and then I’ll bring it all back, and I’ll be victorious. But ultimately this approach has shot her in the foot, and she has lost hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars in the process.
The key is to just admit it that she didn’t achieve her objective and let it all go. Once she realizes that once she built it once, she can build it again. People make mistakes. It’s part of the process. Disney even went bankrupt, and he was a pretty smart guy who built a pretty amazing thing. It’s okay to admit your failures and let it all go.
What do you need to let go of? What do you need to admit it isn’t going your way, and take action to get things back in balance? It takes courage. You can do it.
Very applicable to my situation coach. Oh btw I started listening to Creating Sales Velocity again and the miracles are starting to flow again. Thanks for teaching us about 10/10s! Take care
So many friends and clients are in the same situation. Thanks for the heartfelt advice. I will gratefully pass it on. This can be humbling and empowering at the same time.
Hey Matt- That’s excellent advice. The founding fathers wanted this country to be the kind of place where people took risks, and when they didn’t work out, we can do push the reset button. That’s why we don’t have government debtor’s prisons.
Having been through the same experience as your client though, I will encourage her not to get carried away and “let go” of prospecting. I can attest to that being a far worse mistake than bankruptcy! lol
Okay, but doesn’t this contradict the Law of Attraction BS? She believes her next deal will be the winning one, so why isn’t it? She didn’t believe hard enough? One after another she believes the next one will be it. According to the Law of Attraction, isn’t she supposed to get it?
Another thing…Crappy people who do crappy things find themselves with everything they want. So is the Law of Attraction blind to the means or lack of conscience? I want that person’s gadget, I’m going to get that person’s gadget, I have it. Ok I want it so I take it. Reward.
Great Question. The law of attraction has been turned into a parlor trick by mass consciousness. Its quite simple. You get what you focus on. Problem is, many people are deeply focused on their insecurities on the inside but pretending to be focused on their goals and dreams on the outside. What ever thoughts are dominent guide your behavior. There is no magic to this. How you think guides your actions. Your actions guide your results. Many times I come across sales people who say, “I’m taking the action everyday and I’m not getting the results!” They are often comparing themselves to another sales person who is doing 1/2 the effort and getting twice the results. Typically I find that the person doing twice as much but getting 1/2 as much result doesn’t realize that they are approaching the situation as if they are disadvantaged. This causes them to over compensate and exert twice as much energy. When you over compensate it’s because you don’t think it will work out. When you take action from the perspective that it won’t turn out, your action is less effective. It would be like getting in your car and believing that it won’t work. You turn the key and quickly press on the gas reving the engine to 6,000 rpm’s… the car is going no where. You assume it’s broken but it’s only in park. You need to put it in drive. But because you are convinced that it’s not going to work you simply slam your foot down on the gas and pound on the steering wheel frustrated and going no where. When you are confident that things will work, you step on the gas gently and the car goes nowhere. So you find that interesting and begin to look around at all the controls wondering what you missed. You calmly keep tinkering until you find the drive shaft and put the car in gear and you are on your way. People call that, “The Law of Attraction” Really what it is, is a confidence that things will work out. Confidence has you continue to move forward even when things don’t work to find the solution. Try it today.