In an effort to inspire a community of 1300 people who are taking my current class, Instant Manifestation Now, I am documenting my personal intentions and delegations each day.
Intentions are the feeling or experience I want to have in my life. I like to write them in this way:
I intend to feel energized today. I intend to be present to my children. I intend to be at play. I intend to be loving.
Delegations are the specific measurable results I want to achieve. I am clear that I can only set the conditions for my results to occur. The final result is up to a higher power. I take the actions consistent with my goals and then trust that the best outcome will occur. So I write it in this way as an expression of my thought process.
I am so thankful to God for providing the guidance and instruction to necessary to have 450 people registered for my new program by the end of the year or something better.
I am so thankful to God for introducing me to groups and people who will expose me to the biggest players in the world who are interested in expanding their consciousness or something better.
I intend to fell joyful & happy today. I intend to feel energized today. I intend to feel connected & loving towards everyone today. I intend to feel inspired today. I intend to feel organized today.
I am thankful to Source for providing the guidance and creativity I need to have Inspired Action daily is most inspiring, loving and empowering agent in the San Gabriel Valley.
I am so thankful to Source for providing me with the perfect solution for automatic system, to truck all the escrow & sales, easily and effortlessly.
I am so thankful to Source for the direct from the Source, for introducing me to influencer who I can learn and teach spread the light, so they cna them pass it on to millions of peoples all over the plant or something better.
I intend to not resist the ways of my family. I intend to peaceful and harmonious. I intend have a great family gathering before I go home.
I am so grateful to the universe for all the perfect things that keep happening in my life.
I am so thankful to the universe for making all my travels safe and complete.
I intend to feel ultra positive, happy, joyful and loving. I intend to be highly energized and very successful. I intend to be in the most romantic stage of my life and mega successful. i intend to feel beautiful, successful and sexy and ultra-femine. I inted to love and be loved. I intend to be in the best health ever of mylife. I intend to be in presence for my children and my husband: The perfect mother and wife.
I am greatful to Source and Universe for forgiveness of X and being in a state of bliss,love and joy. I am greatful to Source for my perfect life and my perfect love. I greatful to know the universe has delievered and the perfect husband and love of my life who truly loves and is in a a state of joy, success, happiness, abundance, love and celebration of life. I am greatful for our soul and heart connection and our deep loving friendship. He is the perfect YES!
I am greatful for new I-Touch. YES!
I am greatful for a fabulous Thanksgiving with my son in state of joy, love, celebration, ultra-happiness and abundance of love, wealth, giggles and laughter.
I am greatful for the universe for sendingme the perfect real estate coach and helping me to write the best ever bussiness plan in my life and in the global. YES….Execution day of this plan with me is coming. It is perfect and so is the timing. PERFECT!
I am greatful I took this time for personal growth to be in mind, body and spirit a fabulous Mother, citizen, wife, and realtor/broker and soul. I am so greatful for the creation time and what I have become on a heart level. I am greatful for the mega supporters, believers, adovactates and friends the universe has given, will given and better.
I am greatful for my best friend. He rocks my world and rock his..YES!
I am greatful for my Intero and my many friends …I am greatful to see all my contributions have been executed and were given with love for my friends, their children, the profession and global. YES …Way cool, to walk a sales floor and see the words I wrote be in the state of action and real. It touches me on heart level …we really did raise the bar. It moves me to heart level to see all it and the design in action, it is a soulful,loving experience when I walk the design…itwas designed with love to be energized and used…and to be bigger and real win for all. Thank you! I greatful I have contribute and will contribute on heart level to the profession of real estate in many forms. I love it and celebrate it! I am greatful to source for guiding me to write a new plan for realtors or something better. I am greatful to the source for my personal growth and learning how to be transparent, connect on a heart level and be real and loving. YES
I greatful to the universe I forgave John and we are greatful for him in our lives. YES! We are having the perfect holiday weekend.
I intend to be gentle with myself. I intend to be present and in the moment. I intend to accept everything and everybody exactly as they are. I intend to be joyful today. I intend to enjoy the last day of holiday with my children, be patient and loving with them. I intend to feel prosperous. I intend to notice the abundance that surrounds me.
I am grateful that the universe has provided me the perfect carreer that allows me to make a difference in this world, do it effortlessly and enjoy every moment of it while having a flexible schedule so that I can be with my family when they need me.
I am grateful for being in Inspired Action Coaching.
I am grateful now that I can travel to Iran with my family ad often as I wish and reconnect with my loved ones there and come back to US safely and peacefully.
I am grateful now that my book is finished, published and has made a huge impact on humanity around the world.
I am happy and grateful now that the universe provides me all the good things that I want effortlessly.
I am so happy and grateful now that I am surrounded with positive and loving people who help me have joy and peace every day in my life.
I am grateful that the universe connects me with the right people, excellent coaches and mentors to help me with my jouney in this life time.
I intend to have a deep relaxing sleep
I intend to wake up tomorrow morning refreshed energized and ready to have a great exercise session.
I intend to get up at 6am and work out
I am grateful to God for the gifts he has given me with my Daughter, my Son and my wonderful Husband.
I intend to have a productive, profitable, fun filled week.
I am grateful for not being sick with the flu and that my immune system is now that much stronger.
I intend to have a wonderful nights sleep and wake up fresh and ready to go on Monday.
I am grateful for my supportive friends and family
I intend to have a very productive week and establish at least 2 new deals to take me through the end of the year.
Parandis congratulations on the book!
I intend to feel energized and inspired. I intend to feel loved. I intend to feel successful.
I am grateful to God for providing me with one short sale closing per month and earning me $10,000 per month or better.
I am grateful to God for bringing me the perfect relationship, a man who loves, honors and respects me and chooses to spend a lifetime with me.
I am grateful to God for introducing me to companies that choose to help their work force avoid injuries, through orthotics, providing me an income of $5000 per month or better and giving me an equity position in the company that will provide for my retirement.
I intend to feel fabulous, successful, loved, beautiful and connect with all on a heart level.
I intend to give an inspirational speech today to 50 mothers and 50 high school daughters on the soul of a community, the gift of contribution from creation, to giver to receiver and the stiches of your life and a womens life beome truly an adult….graditude and the biggest lesson of all LOVE….and to pass it on to the next generation. I thank the men who were with me on this journey on soul level, the community and the few family members that were there … I was blessed to have them on my journey and creation of my life and my dreams…I am one of the very lucky ones …thank you. I Thank the universe for the women I met along the way and I know their journey will have safe passage and mega success. Thank you! We have all become ….and we are creating the next generation and our now. I thank the universe for my best friend who inspired me to become the best mother, wife, citizen and professional sales person today who always had the time for me and who was always there for Ryan and me. I know today it is love. Thank you.
I thank the universe for my home, my new bedroom and gift of awesome holiday season and all the romance that is in it …
And my perfect life with my perfect loving friends and my perfect town and Ryan’s perfect school I am so very blessed …and all the clients who set appointments and said Yes I thank the unverse for sending them to me. Amen