I’m teaching a class to 1300 people called Instant Manifestation Now. The purpose of the class is to manifest your wildest dreams. In the class I ask my participants to write intentions and delegations every day to help clarify goals and dreams.
First I ask people to dream big. What would be something so amazing and life-altering that when it manifests life is never the same again?
From there we figure out how it would feel and what the experience would be once it was complete. I call this your true intention. In the end you want to feel and experience life. If you keep asking yourself, “What’s important about that?” over and over, you will discover that every goal is designed to produce a feeling or experience. So why not just be honest and intend to feel that way now? So that’s why I ask people to write their intentions daily.
Once you are clear about how you want to feel, why not go for the dream? So delegate the specific measurable results to the universe.
I admitted to my students that I had only written my intentions and delegations once last week and committed to writing them every day on my blog as an accountability. So here they are:
I intend to feel creative. I intend to feel inspired. I intend to be inspiring. I intend to be totally present to each person I talk to.
Delegations (I like to write them in my own unique way so hang in there with me):
I am so thankful to God for lining up 10 joint venture partners who will mail to one million people to launch my new program or something better.
I am so thankful to God for providing my family and I with an amazing, convenient, perfect and free place to stay in Mammoth Lakes California between Christmas and New Years or something better.
What are your intentions and delegations? Let’s do them together.
Hello Matthew,
Thanks for your awesome teachings! I am working on my intentions and delegations tonight. This week and on down the road, I am committed to complete our assignments. In today’s class you mentioned something by Renee (I missed what you said), and also something about 6 problems. I missed the last one: Maybe it’s better that I don’t focus on that:-)
Thank you very much!
Thanks for the course Matthew. I’m loving the affects of the daily exercises. Have done my intentions and delegations everyday so far at night before bed. Last night listened to Renee and All is Well, while I slept. I find the intentions really are making a difference in how I am feeling. That is a little miracle in itself to shift the feelings I intend to experience.
This is a real stretch for me to put this out here like this, in public, and I’m going to give it a go, as freaked out as my Monkey is about it. Here goes:
Intentions: I intend to feel happy. I intend to feel calm and peaceful. I intend to have fun. I intend to feel creative. I intend to be productive. I intend to be easy going and light hearted. I intend to be active. I intend to be healthy. I intend to feel joy.
Delegations: I am so thankful to god for bringing me the perfect solution(s) to earning income for the rest of 2009 and beyond or something better.
I am so thankful to god for consistently bringing me paid directing/producing video and still photography projects and special events or something better.
I am so thankful to god for helping me sell 100 of my meditation CD’s by the end of 2009 or something better.
I am so thankful to god for 5 paid bookings to play my crystal bowls for people for the rest of 2009 or something better.
I am so thankful to god that the basement renovation is complete by December 11th and we have the perfect tenant for January 1, 2010 or something better.
As I finished writing my Intentions and Delegations for the 8th consecutive day I feel to express my gratitude for your gift of the 8 week course.
I feel your sincerity in intending to positively touch the lives of us participants and I thank you for inspiring me to a new level of excitement, hope and trust in the direction my life is headed.
My wife Linda & I have, independent of each other, had much “success” in our lives but find our old way of doing not bringing the results it did in the past. Linda is currently dealing with a brain tumor, with no insurance, while we are at one of the lowest points financially we have ever been in. It seems a perfect place to experiment with your process.
The primary Intention I ended up feeling inspired to set, after completing your worksheet last week shocked me. I thought it would be about one of the books we are writing “The Acceptance Book”, “The Namastay Experiment” or “Accept Abundance” or one of our MLM businesses, but it wasn’t.
What seemed to come flying out was a Christmas character I have been playing around with for over 25 years, ELFIS. I have written and recorded songs and videos, performed locally for parties but never intended for it to be anything more than a cute thing I did for family and friends. In fact I hadn’t done anything with it until I taped and posted some videos on YouTube and a blog http://www.ElfisLives.com last year at the urging of friends
from my home town I left 8 years ago.
Here’s a miracle that happened after just signing up for your class: I woke up with an ELFIS song in my head. “I Want an H1N1 Shot for Christmas”
I hadn’t written anything new in over 15 years. I video taped it 2 days later, posted it on YouTube, shared it with my FaceBook friends and as of this morning I had over 1000 views. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsW7Mu5PhdM
To focus on promoting ELFIS seems so insane as a way to manifest the money to take care of Linda’s medical needs but it’s what I’m feeling to do.
I’ll record and share the miracles over the 8 weeks and welcome your perspective.
A friend always,
Steve Stay
I am trying to find the “All is Well” visualization or meditation mentioned during yesterdays’ session. Can someone help?
Good Morning, Matthew.
My husband and I are on your webinar and I just wanted to share what has transpired over the last couple of days.
My husband and I were planning a getaway trip to Sandals. It fell through for us for a couple of reasons. I was frustrated, angry and sad about this because I just wanted to get away and spend time with my husband. Then we decided to just do something locally, but that wasn’t coming together as well. I was defintely feeling negative – as you have defined resistance to how things really are.
I’d like to back up a moment and add a side note, I had not seen a butterfly yet and that was just aggravating to me. I believed I should have seen one by now – I look for those things – just another thing I felt negative about.
Last night at 11:00 p.m. we got a call from our neighbor – her husband who had leukemia needed our help. He passed away as we were there by his side assisting his breathing.
Then I knew – I knew why our Sandals trip had fallen through and why we couldn’t nail down our plans yet. We were needed here. iIt was a very peaceful feeling. The anger and disappointment left.
While we were waiting for the police to do their thing, the TV was playing in the background and there way my butterfly! I called over to my husband, who is also on the webinar, and said to look!
What timing!
My intention for this week – I intend to be trusting and happy to care for others.
My delgation: I will trust that when my husband and I are supposed to go away it will happen and it will be better than either of us had anticipated.
Thanks and have a great week.
Thank you very much for offering this course for free. I took it about six months ago and now I notice what a big shift I have had since then. All the answers to your poll has changed significantly. My spirituality level has gone to a higher level than it was 6 months ago.
Here are my intentions for today:
I intend to feel happy. I intend to be present with my children and enjoy every moment I have with them during this holiday.
I intend to feel prosperous. I intend to listen to the angels when they talk to me. I intend to learn something new today. I intend to feel peaceful. I intend to have great health and safety for me and my loved ones. I intend to notice all my blessings. I intend to be thankful for my life and the gifts that universe has provided for me.
I am so happy and grateful that universe has provided me the perfect job that I can do effortlessly, have flexible hours and can be with my family when I want to, make a difference in this world, enjoy every moment of it and maintain a luxuary life style.
I am so happy and grateful that my book is finished and published and has made a huge impact on humanity around the world or something better.
I am so happy and grateful now that I am surrounded with like minded people with positive energy who uplift me and my family all the time.
I am happy and grateful now that money comes to me frequently and effortlessly or something better.
I am so happy and grateful now that I attract to myself all the good things that I want instantly as I think about them.
I am so happy and grateful now that I can take family trips to Iran as many times as I wish and come back home safely after each visit.
I am so thankful and happy now that I can inspire people massively around the world to live a better life or something better.
I am so happy and grateful now that my heart is singing all day, every day.
Thanks for posting this, Matthew! Guess I’m a visual learner, I understand better when I see things written like this.
I intended to see butterflies not necessarily half-heartedly, I just didn’t give another to it after; 3 days later I started seeing blue butterflies everywhere when I went shopping.
This week’s “caterpillar” thing, I intended it but had a “yeah, right, in November I’m going to see caterpillars” and got an email…3 days later…of a “giant caterpillar” found in a college dorm. I don’t know if anyone else has received this email, but the caterpillar was pretty much in line with the attitude I intended it’s manifestation with.
I’m probably the poster-child for “skeptical”. I’ve had extreme successes with manifesting which bottom out before their fruition, so I’m really looking forward to the rest of these webinars!
Dear Matthew,
Thank you very much for all the positive energy you’re bringing to this world and your efforts to bring awakening to us all.
Today I intend to be happy and joyful all day.
I intend to feel healthy and energetic.
I intend to feel proesperous and notice the abundance that surrounds me.
I intend to have unconditional love for everyone I meet.
I intend to be love rather than right.
I intend to see a pink VW bug before today’s webinar at 3:00 PM:)
I intend to be helpful with everyone I meet today and play contribution game.
I intend to live through this day only and enjoy my life exactly as it is right now.
I intend to have great health and safety for me and my loved ones.
I am so thankful to God for providing my family and I with an amazing, convenient, perfect and free place to stay in Sierras, California between Christmas and New Years or something better.
I am so thankful to God for bringing me the perfect job that I can do easily and effortlessly, have a flexible schedule and be with my family when they need me, enjoy every moment of it and maintain a luxuary life style or something better.
I am so happy and grateful now that my book is finished and published as a best seller and has made a huge impact on humanity around the world.
I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
I am so happy and grateful now that I can visit Iran with my family twice a year and come back to US safely and easily or something better.
I am so happy and grateful now that all the kids’ bedroooms are remodeled before new year.
I am so happy and grateful to God now that i live in a state of bliss and have unconditional love for everyone.
I am so happy and grateful now that I am surrounded and work with positive, like minded people or something better.
I am so grateful to God now that my heart sings all day, every day.
Peace and joy to whoever is reading this:)
Today I intend to be on time for every thing. I intend to feel prosperous. I intend to have great health and safety for me and my loved ones. I intend to be patient. I intend to love everyone unconditionally. I intend to contribute to everyone I meet. I intend to be happy.
I am so thankful to God for providing my family and I with an amazing, convenient, perfect and free place to stay in Sierras, California between Christmas and New Years or something better.
I am so thankful to God for bringing me the perfect job that I can do easily and effortlessly, have a flexible schedule and be with my family, enjoy every moment of it and maintain a luxuary life style or something better.
I am so happy and grateful now that my book is finished and published as a best seller and has made a huge impact on humanity around the world or something better.
I am so happy now that my kids’ bedrooms are remodeled before New Year.
I am so happy and grateful now that I can visit Iran with my family twice a year and come back to United States safely and easily.
I am so happy and grateful now that I have unconditional love for all beings.
I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
I am so grateful for being in Inspired Action Coaching.
I am so happy and grateful now that my heart sings all day, every day.
I am so happy and grateful now that I am surrounded with positive likeminded people who uplift me everyday
I am loving your manifestation course. Things are magically showing up! It’s so true what you say…that we are always manifesting. I wanted to share with you an incident that happened the first week. It was half way through the week and my focus was on manifesting a blue butterfly. At times I began to have doubts..so I would redirect the drunk monkey and have faith it was coming. As I was explaining the manifestation process to my sixteen year old daughter I was in mid sentence about how I was manifesting a blue butterfly when I looked above her head at an art picture in our home and I couldn’t believe it….there was a huge blue butterfly! I was so excited she thought I had totally gone crazy! You’re right things don’t always show up how we expect but they do show up. I will never forget that moment and thank you for teaching me so I can teach my daughter something so powerful that I beleive will transform her life!
Much Love,