Author: Matthew Ferry

Matthew Ferry, is a Spiritual Teacher, Songwriter and Best-Selling Author. For the last 26 years, Matthew Ferry has coached thousands of top performers to achieve Enlightened Prosperity™. His books, videos, audios, songs, meditations and seminars all utilize his street tested methodology called The Rapid Enlightenment Process™. Among his many projects, Ferry manages a blog and spearheads The Ignite Mastermind. Matthew Ferry is also the author of Quiet Mind Epic Life, an Amazon Self Help and Spirituality best-seller in the US, Canada, Australia and Japan. Matthew and his family live in Southern California.

How do you determine what is right or wrong? Today, I want you to think about one thing that you are SURE you are right about, and then see if you can look at it from a different point of view. See if you can stand in the shoes of someone who thinks what you think is wrong. Let me give you an example. Say you are in sales. And, you were taught not to interrupt people at dinnertime. When you asked your mom if you could see if the neighbor kids could play she would politely say,  “No, sweetie,…

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