Author: Matthew Ferry

Matthew Ferry, is a Spiritual Teacher, Songwriter and Best-Selling Author. For the last 26 years, Matthew Ferry has coached thousands of top performers to achieve Enlightened Prosperity™. His books, videos, audios, songs, meditations and seminars all utilize his street tested methodology called The Rapid Enlightenment Process™. Among his many projects, Ferry manages a blog and spearheads The Ignite Mastermind. Matthew Ferry is also the author of Quiet Mind Epic Life, an Amazon Self Help and Spirituality best-seller in the US, Canada, Australia and Japan. Matthew and his family live in Southern California.

Here’s an email from a self-proclaimed cynic currently participating in my free 8-week class. Subject: A Cynic So I signed up for the manifestation class that started on Monday – I thought of every excuse in the book and then some more – there had to be something more important or worthy of my time. Guilt won over and I got on the call. My daughter came in and out of the room several times complete with snide comments. But, I persevered. Then the blue butterfly – come on – seriously? My husband chimed in that he had already seen…

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The Law of Attraction is always delivering on your intentions. My workout partner and I like to do spinning class on Tuesday mornings.  Yesterday, he showed up 5 minutes before the class started and all the bikes were taken.  Clearly he was not dead set on doing the class.  His unstated intention was fulfilled. Within five minutes of the class beginning I realize that I mismanaged my schedule for the day and I will not be able to complete the entire 55 minutes.  After visualizing my schedule for a few minutes I realize I must get off the bike at…

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Why is it that most spiritual types think that you have to dress down, not look good or not fit into society to be spiritual? When the truth is that to be conscious, compassionate, understanding or appreciative has nothing to do with how you look, who you hang out with, or what stuff you own. Personally, I find it very exciting to fit into society without any attachment.  I like to look great, have stuff, participate fully, and then bring that appreciation, kindness, compassion, and understanding into my life in such a way that all those around me, who are…

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There is no world out there. Not at least the world you experience.  Yes, there is something out there, but what you are experiencing isn’t it.  What you are experiencing is your opinion, your perception, and your conditioning.  How you relate to the world is what the world is for you.  Two people can be in the exact same situation and have completely different experiences. Are there atoms, electrons and such out there in the world? Apparently, science is getting a better grasp on that.  But it takes multimillion dollar machines to see what is really going on in the…

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The promise of a spiritual perspective is that you will feel more connected, more loved, more joyous, and feel a sense of oneness.  Yet, many spiritual people DO NOT have an abundance of these experiences.  In fact, most of the spiritual people I meet have pretty sucky lives.  And guess what, I’ve been there too.  Here’s why. There is a myth perpetuated by the misunderstanding of ancient spiritual text that you must withdraw from life in order to be spiritual.  The whole, “Poverty is more spiritual” things is a total misperception. Adopting a more spiritual perspective simply means that you…

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Sometimes you have to take a stand for what you believe in. Sometimes the entire structure of your life is fighting against your deepest desire. These moments of extreme resistance, breakdown and depression are actually transition points from one type of living to the next. New life come with a hefty price. It is destructive. Your old life will fight back, push you down and tell you that you can’t have what you want. In those moments you must learn to tame The Drunk Monkey and take a stand for what you believe is possible. It’s not easy, it’s not…

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Most think that if I am truly being free, then I can do what ever I want.  Nope!  That is being a slave to your wants.  Your wants are almost always a reaction to something from the past.  Your wants are usually about NOT being something, NOT doing something or NOT being dominated by something. True freedom comes out of discipline.  The discipline of observing The Drunk Monkey (your mind) and not allowing its fear to run your life.  The discipline of seeing The Drunk Monkey for what it really is.  These two disciplines give you the freedom to choose…

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A client of mine is between a rock and a hard place. For the last year and a half, she has not been admitting it. Like millions of people in America today, this person thought that buying a kind of real estate, over-leveraging, and betting on speculation was the smart thing to do. It has since blown up in her face and now she finds herself making a lot of money, but she owe more than she makes every month. The key is to let it all go, and this has been a tough process. Admitting that she has…

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Would you like to feel happy?  Do you want to have more peace of mind?  Then give up your opinion. How you see the world makes no difference to anyone else.  Everyone sees the world differently.  Yet, opinions are the source of suffering and negativity.  All negativity in your life can be sourced back to an opinion that you hold. Here is a quote from one of my all time favorite books Eye of The I: “With humility comes the willingness to stop trying to control or change other people or life situations or events ostensibly ‘for their own good’. …

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A friend on the internet writes, “I’ve watched your videos on manifesting and The Drunk Monkey and I’m wondering if there is a way to get my job back using your techniques. A group of people took revenge on me and got me fired. Can you help?” To start, remember that you get what you focus on. If you retaliate, you will bring more negativity upon yourself.  Kids know it intuitively when they say, “I’m rubber, you are glue, whatever you say bounces off me, and sticks to you!” The energy of retaliation is anger, hostility, revenge, and ultimately powerlessness. …

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