Did you know enlightenment makes you unstoppable and fearless?
Being in an unstoppable, fearless state is a surefire way to accomplish the goals and dreams most important to you.
You know what I am talking about.
When you are unstoppable, nothing gets in your way. You are in action. You are a problem solver. You don’t get discouraged. You find a way to make things happen. And, if we are being honest, there is a flow that happens when you are choosing to be unstoppable.
But, let’s be honest. Things get really interesting when you are unstoppable AND fearless.
Fearlessness is like pouring gas on a campfire. You are in the unstoppable flow, and nothing slows you down. Resistance is gone. Worry? Non-existent. Concerns? Zippo.
Here are 16 signs that indicate you are going into an unstoppable, fearless state. Can you relate?
- You progressively stop avoiding people who use to bother you.
- Other people’s opinions of you seem less relevant then they did before.
- You start to see that your attachments are exaggerated fears of losing imaginary benefits.
- You are more open to looking the worst case scenario in the eye and dealing with it sensibly.
- Negative people seem less irritating
- You have the progressive realization that negativity is the resistance you have. That the world isn’t anything until you call it something.
- You are more willing to experience situations that you were negative or painful in the past.
- Fear gets replaced by curiosity
- You spend your time thinking about effective moving forward
- You start playing offense in your life and you stop playing defense
- You find yourself less focused on making sure everything stays the same
- You begin to be less rigid about how everything is supposed to be.
- You are more flexible and easy going.
- You are noticing that there is a trust that all is well and everything is getting better.
- You begin to believe that everything is going your way even when it doesn’t appear to be in the moment.
- You start to see that you have never been a victim and you have always been the creator of your own experience.
You just read a list of the phenomenon found on the path to enlightenment. If you would like to discover what life is like being in an unstoppable, fearless state, then I encourage you to start living with what I call Enlightened Perspectives. Applying Enlightened Perspectives to your business and your personal life gets you on the path to enlightenment – which I highly recommend.
Sound interesting?
Check out my 9 Ways To Tell If You Are On The Path To Enlightenment.