I’m asking you to be honest for a second. Do you prefer drama over productivity? So many of my clients say they are positive people and yet, when I probe, they love the drama in their lives.
What I ‘ve discovered is that people accidentally use drama as a way to operate in the world. Not because they intentionally decided drama has value and is worth investing their time in, but because they inherited this behavior style from their family.
And, they don’t even know it.
Being someone who engages in drama (big or small) has not taken the time to examine the impact of drama in their lives.
The time it takes. The focus it robs. And the damage it does to the pursuit of goals. In the end, drama limits your power and effectiveness.
In the end, drama limits your power and effectiveness.
Truth is, most high achievers don’t have time for drama, and they naturally shy away from people who do.
Today I invite you to look and see if there is any drama in your life that is blocking your goals and dreams. If so, now is a good time to replace it with actions that actually move you in the direction of your dreams.
Ready to have a quiet mind? Click the image below to get the first 6 chapters of my new book, “Quiet Mind Epic Life: Escape The Status Quo And Experience Enlightened Prosperity Now.”
How may I contact you to discuss many issue I am currently having problems with?
Hi Vivian, you can reach me on facebook or through my contact on this site.
The real drama in my life stopping me from moving forward is my view at how things should work. I make an attempt to do something, if it doesn’t work, I get discourage and lose interest. All because, I like to have results when making efforts. I am dedicated when I make up my mind and I expect things to work out, however, I do understand that sometimes they don’t.
I don’t lack interest nor do I lack creativity, I feel as if, not matter the efforts, I am not making progress.
Thank You for giving me the time to express my thoughts.
Frances Mahan