Author: Matthew Ferry

Matthew Ferry, is a Spiritual Teacher, Songwriter and Best-Selling Author. For the last 26 years, Matthew Ferry has coached thousands of top performers to achieve Enlightened Prosperity™. His books, videos, audios, songs, meditations and seminars all utilize his street tested methodology called The Rapid Enlightenment Process™. Among his many projects, Ferry manages a blog and spearheads The Ignite Mastermind. Matthew Ferry is also the author of Quiet Mind Epic Life, an Amazon Self Help and Spirituality best-seller in the US, Canada, Australia and Japan. Matthew and his family live in Southern California.

Enlightenment is very misunderstood. Like most things spiritual, it is mired in dogma.  For most people, it seems to be stuck in an old paradigm somewhere between ancient eastern mysticism and new age spirituality. The fact is, enlightenment is not a religion or even a set of practices. It’s not a place or an outcome. No group has a claim to it. There are many paths to achieving it. There is not a right or a wrong way to experience enlightenment. Enlightenment is essentially a paradigm shift. It is simply a perspective or an inner knowing that once attained, changes…

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How do you know if you are on the path to experiencing enlightenment in your daily life? Sometimes its hard to tell because there aren’t that many people committed to enlightenment. I want to share 11 tell-tale signs with you so that you can be encouraged and inspired to continue on your path to enlightenment. From my perspective, in our purest state, we are happy. Joy flows through us. Life is simple. Then we ‘grow up.’ It’s difficult to maintain the enlightened state with so much negativity in the world. Up until recently, the idea of being in an enlightened state…

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Over the years, I’ve perfected a system for my 6, 7 and 8 figure income coaching clients to set goals. We do it in a very different, and very specific way and in this workshop, I walk you through the process so you can experience it for yourself. Get ready to rethink, redo and get re-inspired about your goals… what they really mean to you… and increase your odds of achieving your big dreams.

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You deserve to live an epic life. That’s why I want you to join me for Epic Life Live in Irvine, CA on January 25, 26 and 27, 2019 and experience The Rapid Enlightenment Process for yourself. So, what does it mean to be enlightened anyway? Here’s my definition: Enlightenment is the recognition that the source of life within you is the source of life in everyone and everything else. We are all one thing expressing itself with infinite variety. The only thing that blocks us from experiencing this oneness state is the minds biological need to worry, strategize, plan…

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I just turned 50. Wow! If you’ve hit this benchmark, then you know what it’s like to have a ‘that’s it!’ moment.  You suddenly say to yourself  “that’s it… I am doing it!” For me, that was the moment I decided to come out of the closet and start teaching the Rapid Enlightenment Process.  I’ve been perfecting this process for the past two decades. But it was always very personal and something I shared with a select few. I was the mindset guy. Being the spiritual teacher guy was a big departure and frankly, a business risk. But something happened when…

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Did you know enlightenment makes you unstoppable and fearless? Being in an unstoppable, fearless state is a surefire way to accomplish the goals and dreams most important to you. You know what I am talking about. When you are unstoppable, nothing gets in your way. You are in action. You are a problem solver. You don’t get discouraged. You find a way to make things happen. And, if we are being honest, there is a flow that happens when you are choosing to be unstoppable. But, let’s be honest. Things get really interesting when you are unstoppable AND fearless. Fearlessness is like…

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