Author: Matthew Ferry

Matthew Ferry, is a Spiritual Teacher, Songwriter and Best-Selling Author. For the last 26 years, Matthew Ferry has coached thousands of top performers to achieve Enlightened Prosperity™. His books, videos, audios, songs, meditations and seminars all utilize his street tested methodology called The Rapid Enlightenment Process™. Among his many projects, Ferry manages a blog and spearheads The Ignite Mastermind. Matthew Ferry is also the author of Quiet Mind Epic Life, an Amazon Self Help and Spirituality best-seller in the US, Canada, Australia and Japan. Matthew and his family live in Southern California.

“Kindness is our secret sauce,” he said when I asked my client how the company grew by 100 times in under 5 years. Together, he and I have been working on using Enlightened Perspectives to create more productivity for the better part of a decade. Now he’s fully implementing the ideas with his 100+ employees. The results are unprecedented in his industry. Enlightened perspectives like kindness, compassion, and “trusting that all is well” can completely revolutionize your business and your income. It’s not uncommon for my clients to achieve a 3 times increase in productivity just by exposing them to…

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Adopting enlightened perspectives is very practical. It makes life more enjoyable, fun and rewarding. Many of our views about enlightenment – what it is and how to attain it – are rooted in some very old, and outdated ideas. And it’s those ideas that block you from realizing that you are on a path to enlightenment. Here’s a cheat sheet of sorts, designed to help you see some of the milestones and benchmarks you may experience along the way. 9 ways to tell if you are on the path to enlightenment You start to notice the beauty in all the…

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On this journey, you will begin to understand the hindrances and limitations of your Monkey Mind. The more you understand the Drunk Monkey, the faster you’ll experience peace and contentment in the moment. The quicker you get there, the quicker everything you want to manifest will fall in your lap. That’s what you want, right? Good, then let’s check out the erratic behavior of The Drunk Monkey. First, think about the metaphor of a Drunk Monkey. What if we let a Drunk Monkey loose in your house? What would happen? It would be chaos…right? The Drunk Monkey would wreck everything,…

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The Drunk Monkey is that non-stop talking, running commentary in your head that is constantly judging, assessing and keeping you safe from things that aren’t dangerous. It’s constant need to think, review, consider, evaluate and comment blocks your ability to experience peace of mind, and to achieve your biggest goals. Ultimately, The Drunk Monkey is the underlying cause of worry, stress and frustration. He looks harmless enough. But once you really start to pay attention, you’ll see this sucker is robbing your happiness, blocking you from getting the things that you truly desire, and even keeping the people that you…

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When The Drunk Monkey is playing the role of The Protector it identifies potential threats and avoids them or protects you against them.  The Protector spends its time scouting out potential danger.  It keeps you ready for anything and never allows you to be fully relaxed. The Protector assumes that most everything is a threat. The guy who took your parking spot, your kids not getting good grades, your boss being in a bad mood, clients not taking your advice, losing money, the list goes on and on. Yet, when we really examine it, there really is no need to…

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When The Drunk Monkey is playing the role of the Superhero it thinks it is better than others. It is one to save the world, the day, the situation. The Superhero is convinced it knows what is best for every thing, every person and every situation it encounters, and can’t help but insert itself. The hero-complex plagues The Superhero when it’s sure what it’s doing is “right” – even though it runs over people in the process.

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When the Drunk Monkey is playing the role of The Victim it tells you that you are powerless.  The Victim sees the world as a dangerous place filled with scary people who will take advantage of you. It is skeptical of others for no reason. It assumes it is powerless and acts accordingly.  The Victim steals your power by making you believe that you have no control over your life.

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When The Drunk Monkey is playing the role of The Enlightened it has become the self-appointed spiritually elite.  No one knows more about the “right way” to be spiritual than the Enlightened Drunk Monkey.  From its lofty perch, it decides who is worth helping, who is good, and who is bad, all while it is convinced that other people just don’t get it.  And if the world only knew how wise it is, they would hang on every word and behave according to its doctrine.  This is just the assassin in disguise killing anyone who doesn’t believe what it deems…

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